Support Services

A flexible approach to getting the help you need.

Pay-as-you-Go (PAYG)

Our Pay-as-You-Go option allows you to buy ‘tokens’ which can be used for either support or professional services remotely as needed. Each token provides up to 1 hour of support / configuration. If your session exceeds the one-hour mark, then an additional token will be used. Simplify your experience by purchasing token blocks of 10 upfront, ensuring seamless use at your convenience, scheduled for a time that suits you best. This does not require any support contract in place, only that tokens are purchased before use, giving you ultimate flexibility.


This provides remote technical support with a NetDzine Engineer to assist with the diagnosis of technical problems on your covered equipment. The engineer will not make out of scope configuration changes. Only small changes in tandem with you which are necessary to address/identify a perceived technical issue or bug. NOTE: This is not a service to configure new features or changes in the design of your system. (Professional Services or PAYG above should be considered for these instances). This service does not grant access to vendor support, software updates or hardware replacement services. This service is available on a best effort basis, Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm, excluding bank holidays.


This premium service grants direct access to vendor support, software updates & hardware replacement. You raise support tickets directly with the manufacturer. This service is available 365x24x7 and comes with premium SLA’s


Choose your best fit

We offer three distinct support offerings. Each can be used independently from each other. Choose any combination, one two or all three as needed.

Scenario 1: You have had a new network installed by a NetDzine who now have working knowledge of your new installation. You wish to ensure that all your hardware is covered by extended warranty benefits offered by the manufacturer such as firmware updates and hardware replacement together with a support offering that’s provided 24 hours a day in case of critical service outages. But you know that the manufacturer will not have a working knowledge of your network and that there are times when you just need to ask some questions that only someone who installed it and has been to your site who would easy understand. Choose NetAssist + NetPlus.

Scenario 2: You already have an existing support agreement procured elsewhere which provides vendor support, but you feel that the general day to day support queries are not being addressed as you would expect. Your system has grown organically and is requiring frequent design & configuration changes. Choose PAYG + NetAssist.

Scenario 3: You are comfortable with general day to day operation and understand your network fairly well and need to have the break/fix support, firmware updates and hardware replacement services offered from the manufacture. But you require occasional help configuring new features on the network. Choose PAYG + NetPlus.


Need more information?

Download our support and services brochure.